
Home 2021 (Page 10)

Leukemia treatment options

leukemia treatment

A medical team with multi-disciplinary specialists work together to treat cancer patients. Apart from doctors, oncology nurses, physician assistants, dietitians, [...]


Stages in cancer

Cancer staging helps to understand the location of cancer, tendency to spread and affect other organs of the body. A [...]


Organic food vs inorganically grown food and Cancer?

Producing organic food items through agriculture and manufacturing does not allow to use of genetically modified organisms, synthetic pesticides, and [...]


How cancer affects your fertility?

Cancer and fertility

Fertility can be defined as normal sexual activity, ability to conceive and give birth to a child. But cancer and [...]


Cancer and Children?

Cancer and children

Overview Recent data obtained from the World Health Organization reported that cancer is one of the major causes of death [...]


Is there any cancer vaccination?

Cancer Vaccine

Certain viral infections trigger cancer progression among healthy adults. Vaccination for such types of viral infection can give protection against [...]


 How cancer affects your mental state?

Cancer and mental state

Diagnosis of cancer devasted the patient’s mental condition. The fear of uncertainty about the treatment outcome often creates psychological pressure [...]


How cancer cells interact with the body?

Human body and cancer cells

Tumor progression, a primary triggering factor of cancer is influenced by genetic and epigenetic abnormality. A malignant tumor is usually [...]


Cancer and stem cell therapy?

stem cell therapy and cancer

Surgical intervention and chemotherapy do not always provide the successful result to treat metastatic cancer and reoccurrence becomes a common [...]


 Is any type of cancer can be transmitted from human to human?

Can cancer transmit?

Cancer is not a contagious disease. Therefore, the scope of transmitting cancer from a patient to a healthy person is [...]

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