
Home 2021 (Page 8)
Cancer Medicine


Overview Actemra is an approved treatment for adults with moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis (RA), adults with giant cell [...]


Monoclonal Antibodies


Monoclonal antibodies are a type of laboratory-made protein that can bind body tissues including cancer cells. Different types of monoclonal [...]



kevzara uses side effects

What is Kevzara? KEVZARA is a brand name of sarilumab, an approved medication to treat moderate to severe active rheumatoid [...]


Why Some Cancer Drugs (mouse model) may be ineffective?

Mouse model cancer research

Researchers who are working in cancer drug discovery had claimed that they have a mammon of animal model systems. These [...]


Multivitamins and cancer

multivitamins and cancer

There is a contrasting opinion on the use of multivitamins for cancer prevention or triggering factors. Presently, the use of [...]


Cancer Genetics & Genomics

The old theories that explain the pathophysiology of cancer progression include contagious diseases spread by parasites. Later advent concept was [...]


What is Cancer? and the treatment options

What is cancer?

What is Cancer? Tumor progression, a primary triggering factor of cancer is influenced by genetic and epigenetic abnormality. A malignant [...]


 Rare cancer types

rare blood types and cancer

Rare cancer types are classified based on the number of people affected each year. Usually, cancers that are categorized under [...]


What is Colorectal Cancer?

Colorectal Cancer.

Definition Colorectal cancer is either generated from the colon or rectum. Depending upon the origin of cancer development it can [...]


A healthy lifestyle to prevent life-threatening diseases

A healthy lifestyle

The realistic lifestyle modification with dietary measures has a preventive effect against several life-threatening diseases including diabetes, coronary artery disease [...]

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