
Home Cancer about (Page 5)
about Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer

Bladder cancer is a common type of cancer that begins in the bladder cells. The bladder is an empty muscle [...]

about Cancer Tape worms

Tapeworms and Cancer

Tapeworms are quite bad. They can infect people, lay eggs, and cause symptoms such as diarrhea and weakness. And they [...]

about Cancer Sun exposure

Long sun exposure and Cancer risks

Sun rays can cause skin cancer Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the main source of skin disease, yet [...]

about Cancer Pesticide residues

Pesticide residues in food and Cancer

Consumption of traditionally grown fruit and vegetables (PV) is an important route of exposure to pesticide residues in the general [...]

about Cancer kidney UTI

UTI and kidney cancer


There is limited evidence as to whether a history of urinary tract infection (UTI) increases the risk of developing kidney [...]

about lung health

Lungs health management

lung health management

You may not realize the importance of your lung health until you experience difficulty breathing. Your lungs supply oxygen and [...]

about Cancer Liver transplant

Liver transplant in liver cancer

Liver transplantation is an operation that removes your liver and replaces it with a healthy donor liver. If you have [...]

about Cancer Liquor consumption

Liquor and Cancer 

Liquor has a link with an increased risk of certain types of cancers. No matter what form you are considering [...]

about Cancer chemotherapy

Side effects of chemotherapy

chemotherapy side effects

Chemotherapy is a medical treatment that uses powerful chemicals to kill the rapid growth of cells in your body. Chemotherapy [...]

about Cancer CAR T-cell

CAR T-cell therapy in Cancer

t-cells cancer

What are CAR T cells? CAR T cells are the equivalent of ‘providing patients with a living cure.’ As its [...]

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