
Home Cancer about (Page 6)
about Autoimmune Cancer

Autoimmune diseases and cancer

Autoimmune diseases are often associated with cancer, and conversely, some malignancies are also associated with an increased risk of developing [...]

about Cancer Microplastic

Microplastic and Cancer

Microplastics are plastic particles with a diameter of fewer than five millimeters. They come from a variety of household items [...]

about Cancer Weight gain

Weight and Cancer

A general overview of weight gain and cancer An increased level of fat deposition in the body leads to weight [...]

about Brain functioning Cancer

Brain functioning in Cancer

Brain functioning in Cancer

You might have issues thinking, focusing, and recalling things when you have the disease. The clinical term for this is [...]

about Blood Loss Cancer

Blood loss in cancer

Bleeding is a common hassle in most cancers patients in association with nearby tumor invasion, tumor angiogenesis, systemic effect of [...]

about Cancer platelets

Cancer and platelets

In the 19th century, it had discovered that the platelet clotting had association with cancer formation. Researcher reported that number [...]

about Cancer

Skin cancer and Sun exposure

Skin cancer is the most well-known type of disease in the US, and the quantity of cases keeps on rising. [...]

about Cancer Tonsil

Tonsil Cancer

Tonsil cancer is a very common oropharyngeal malignancy. The prevalence of tonsil cancer is rising in association with the growing [...]

about Cancer Mental health

Depression and cancer

Cancer and stress

Cancer is a fatal disorder and positive finding after diagnosis leads to distress in patients. Detection of cancer causes a [...]

about Cancer Pancreas Pancreas

Pancreatic tumors

Pancreatic tumors are various types and the right diagnosis of each type is one of the primary clinical requirements to [...]

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