
Home Cancer (Page 10)

Cancer in humans and pets

The complex biological process involves in cancer development and progression. Normal cells become tumorigenic and eventually transform into mutagenic cells [...]


Cancer and air quality

Air pollution becomes a global environmental issue. Every low, middle, and high-income country is facing a health-related burden because of [...]


Cancer management in pregnant women

Around 1 out of 1,000 pregnancies are convoluted by a cancer growth analysis and there is a hypothesis that the [...]

Cancer Medication online subscription

Long term Cancer medication on subscriptions basis

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had approved 35 new molecules as an anticancer agent between 2013 to 2018. [...]

Cancer Management

Cancer management in elders

One of the risk factors of cancer growth and progression is aging. With increasing age, the body becomes vulnerable to [...]

about Babies Cancer

Do a baby can get affected of cancer if the mother has it while pregnant?

Cancer during pregnancy is rare. Cancer itself once in a while influences the developing embryo (unborn child). At the point [...]

about Cancer

Is cancer hereditary?

Cancer is a common disease. There are 5% to 10% hereditary connections obtained in cancer progression. This indicates a history [...]


Cancer Management in Children

Depending upon the type and stage of cancer, cancer management in children varies. The staging of cancer depends upon the [...]


Childhood Cancers

cancer in children

What is childhood cancer? Children can develop cancer in any part of the body like lymph nodes, blood, brain, spinal [...]

about Cancer Treatments

Cancer treatment breakthroughs

breakthroughs in cancer

The gradual understanding of the immune system, genetics, and cancer pathology steadily improves cancer treatment options and discovers novel diagnostic [...]

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